Mindfulness Frame-By-Frame: The Feeling Tone Programme
The Mindfulness Frame-By-Frame programme is a new 8-week graduate course that shows us how feeling tones in our bodies drive automatic actions, and how we can gain agency over this tendency to react unconsciously. Through specific meditation practices that help us slow down and become more present to pleasant, unpleasant and neutral feeling tones (bringing awareness to them frame-by-frame, as if in a slowed-down film clip), we can untangle from the conditioning that can impel us into unwise behaviour. This can lead to liberation from habitual patterns of distress and exhaustion, and create greater possibility for skilful choices, increased appreciation of and flourishing in life. The programme was developed by Mark Williams, one of the creators of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) as a follow-on programme for those who have already completed an eight-week mindfulness course.
Themes covered in the course include: understanding how the mind is wired to predict needed action and why this is sometimes unhelpful, finding our ground by exploring new anchors for attention, cultivating kindness and gratitude for (rather than frustration with) the mind and its habitual patterns, recognising feeling tones in the body and the automatic reactions they lead to, learning to pause and stay with feeling tones in order to create space for wise action, appreciating pleasant feeling tones and holding unpleasant feeling tones with kindness, using awareness of feeling tones to recharge our batteries and deal with procrastination and other symptoms of exhaustion.
The course consists of eight weekly 2 hour sessions, one 5.5 hour retreat day, and an invitation to practice with guided audios for between 10 and 30 minutes daily. The course will be taught by Ed Halliwell
Dates and Times: Fridays 10am-midday, from Friday 19th April-21st June 2024 (no session on Friday 31st May, retreat day 0930-1500 on Friday 7th June).
Cost: £295 (£50 deposit to reserve place, balance due two weeks before programme begins).