Refreshing and Sustaining A Mindfulness Practice - A One-Day Workshop (online via Zoom)
Date and Time: Thursday 1st December 2022 9.30am-3pm UK time, online via Zoom
Have you begun a mindfulness practice but found it difficult to sustain? Or perhaps you engaged for a while and then fell out of the habit? Would you like to renew your commitment to yourself and your wellbeing by re-connecting with stillness, presence and self-compassion? On this one-day workshop, we’ll explore obstacles to mindfulness practice and how we can work with them, remind ourselves why and how mindfulness can help us manage the ups and downs of daily life, and (re)connect with mindfulness practices in a supportive, nurturing environment. This day is open to anyone with some mindfulness experience (whether through practising with an app, a retreat/course/workshop or self-guided). The day will be held online via Zoom and led by Ed Halliwell
Cost: £55. Book your place here.